Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Depression and the Church: Medical Illness or Spiritual Illness

I remember the exact day I was sitting in Church and the Pastor said aloud to the congregation that depression was not a medical illness, but a spiritual illness. Now the pastor didn't know this, but I was sitting in the congregation, having just been diagnosed with depression weeks before. Instantly I was led down a path of doubt, darkness, and insecurity with my faith. If only I "believed" more, prayed more, sought God more, then maybe, just maybe I could be healed.

This is still an issue that is relevant in the church. In this article, the pastor shares his own struggle with this: whether his anxiety was a medical or spiritual illness. It saddens me to see the negativity that this man has received for his transparency.

This website states that 1 in 4 adults will be affected by mental health at some point in their life. This gathering event stems from the death of Pastor Rick Warren who's son committed suicide at age 28 after a lifelong battle with depression and anxiety. Rick and Kay Warren have really pushed for greater awareness and understanding of illnesses related to mental health. After reading several articles of his, it is my understanding that he deeply encourages seeking professional help. I desperately wish I could attend this workshop on Mental Health and the Church, but it is in California so unfortunately I cannot. Here is the link to that website: http://mentalhealthandthechurch.com/

I believe in the power of prayer. I believe in the Lord's healing powers. But I also believe that medicine was created to heal. I think of the Lord as the Creator and the Enabler: He enables the medicine to work in our bodies to heal us, and this doesn't just apply to medicine, it applies to all other aspects of our lives.

The medicine that really heals comes in different forms, but they all come from the same source - God. Healing comes from scripture, fellowship, and seeking God. Healing can also come from doctors and pharmacies. Why do we feel the need to separate the church and science when it is all so unmistakably intertwined, beautifully by our creator?

My personal experience, my personal research, and my personal beliefs have brought me to this understanding. I find peace knowing that the healing in my life has come from the Lord, the medicine I have taken and the prayers we have prayed. I am thankful for healing.

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